mood (front humor) sm [from Lat. or aqueous humor-oris, der. of (h) umer 'be wet']. - 1. Liquids, water, and little shakes along the path from 'The curved branches dewy humor that almost gem, The rising of the sun rays refracted (Parini). 2. The medical doctrine dates back to Hippocrates (V-IV sec. BC) each of the four basic body fluids from which the body of man is right: is the balance in their health, and their ratio is determined various temperament ( sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic or atrabiliare ), while the prevalence of one over the excessive stem the disease states. Hence the use fig. the term to indicate: The character, the character of a person.
Superb definition that gives us the vocabulary to step 2.
reminds us that every action we take is nothing more than a search for balance between feelings and cash equivalents, which is enough to give us a hint of remorse soaked for years, clinging to the words of Commons, rational and parapets from which to look pretend to understand, and our travels and mood changes.
As you read the definition of our fifteenth floor and in your gut starts to form a line, dig your head.
And here out of nowhere some old school concept, some rudiments of philosophy, or in my case, an old denture that moved in late burst than the mandibles of its owner, giving gait mechanics of the words of my old literature teacher in high school. Person of infinite culture and always placid mood, it seemed to me to have that balance between our memory Hippocratic organic fluids. Hardly choleric and sanguine nothing, it seemed at times to rely on his own melancholy , by choice, not necessity.
Years later, still caught in a changing mood exceptionally capable of passing the discovery of new enthusiasm to the most appalling apathy to have been found, melancholy is my soul mate, almost never by choice, but without her I could not give voice to that mood that comes to question the unquestionable.
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