Imagine a dark road to the edges of the city. Imagine a small gate that opens on it, inside a court that seems to absorb in a different time, in a different location.
Imagine a rectangular ballroom, located on the edge of the court, mirrors on one wall, wooden beams that share the ceiling, a floor consumed by too many heels who have quarreled with the rhythm.
image inside the green room of chairs placed in semicircle in front of the mirror, two chairs with too much work on the backs of chocolate presumptuous, which in turn is desired letter, word, thought. Imagine voices that weave in characters awaken and ears ready to catch them, lay them out for good in their thoughts. Imagine that whisper curious eyes and feet floating, unable to slow down the course of desires.
images of bodies: broken, Patrol, spied on, chased, admired. Imagine their desires: powerful, impetuous, private, shouted, impossible. Free flow from the pages of a journey that you too, now, you have undertaken.
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